Welcome to the ResLife Wiki, home to community resources, administrative tasks, and more. Our plan is to grow this resource over time - we welcome your suggestions and ideas for what to add!


Living On Campus

Forms & Tasks

Find all of the forms ResLife sends out in one place and check off all your tasks. This includes guest registration, Pet Roster Reporting, and more!

Seeking Help

Find links to a bunch of the campus resources Olin offers.

Community Spaces

Learn about the shared resources within our residences. Overtime we hope to use these pages in the development of community standards.

Ongoing Residential Projects

Fitness & Recreation

ResLife supports the student-run recreation and fitness initiatives at Olin. Students engage in team sports with peers at Olin in addition to competitive club and intramural teams at Babson and Wellsley. Learn about our recreation resources and opportunities here.

Fitness & Recreation

Upcoming Notion Pages

Let us know what would be helpful to add to this space! Here is what we are hoping to get added: